Natural Home Remedies for Constipation

Constipation.... it's a bit of embarrassing but most of us suffer from it at one time or another. Over 4 million American suffer from it and it's responsible for a whopping 2 million visits to the local physician to get some relief.

Although women suffer from it more than men, those who suffer from it have some pretty common styles of life that lead to it. So let's take look at some home remedies or common sense remedies to relive this condition before you head to the doctor.

The Importance of Water

Those inflicted with constipation often don't drink enough water. Instead of water they typically drink caffeineted beverages etc. Drink water. You need it to move everything through your system. Something has to move waste out right? Water moves it so drink it! It's important to note that before a heavy meal a large glass of cold water isn't good as it puts out your digestive fire. so if you're going to use some water therapy for constipation control make sure you allow your body an hour or so to build up your digestive fire.

Chew, Chew, Chew

Mastication. Big fancy term. In other words chew your food. Practitioners of some branches of yoga will commonly chew each bit 34 times before swallowing. Chewing is the first step to digestion - i.e. digestion begins in the mouth. Thoroughly chewing foods allows your body to digest it quickly and thoroughly. The longer you chew the more saliva you develop and saliva breaks down food. This takes stress off the rest of the digestive track.

Fiber and Lighter Foods

Remember that your body has to use a truck load of energy to break down everything you put inside it. Give it a break! Heavy meats, greasy pasta etc. stresses and over taxes the body. If you start to substitute fiber rich and easy to digest foods help a lot. Fruit and vegetables are rich in fiber and are easy to digest. The easier something s to digest the less likely that it will not get fully digested and will stick to the walls of the colon.

Conflict Consumption

Many practitioners of yoga believe that eating after an argument or fight is a bad choice. Unhealthy emotions effect saliva output, and therefore effect our ability to digest things properly.

More than a little scientific data points to the fact that those with stress problems suffer from constipation and other digestive disorders. If you've got into a heated debate, it might be a good idea to kill two birds with one stone. Drink a glass of chamomile tea to calm yourself down while you hydrate yourself with it.

Related article: Alcohol abuse and leaky gut syndrome

Activity & Others

Studies directly link a lack of exercise with constipation. Light exercise energizes all systems in the body including digestion. Exercise stimulates excretion and basically helps everything get going. Another smart preemptive strike is if you are starting to get backed up try some psyllium fiber in orange juice at night to set yourself up for some morning relief.


In general because of the high amount of fiber and cellulose fruit makes them a safe, effective and most of all natural way of relieving constipation. Bael fruit ranks among some of the most effective and rapid ways of getting rid of constipation. Other fruits that work well are grapes, prunes, oranges and raisins.

  • Step It Up With Colon Cleansers

If you've tried the above remedies and still aren't seeing the kind of results you want it might be time to step up the attack with an oxygen based colon cleanser.